Monthly Archives: May 2020
Great projects win MOHF grants
One of the projects I’ve always been very proud of is the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund, which was my idea when I worked for the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine. I recruited Maine Audubon as our partner and the legislature enacted it and Governor Angus King signed it into law. I was privileged to serve on […]
Battling wild critters in our home
Here’s how you can help our fisheries biologists
Ellie O’Leary’s poems are profound
Many of Ellie O’Leary’s poems in her book, Breathe Here, are profound. They take you from childhood to old age, and many are about family. I just could not stop reading. Published by North Country Press, this book of poems is very very special, and so very real, from tragedy to endurance and survival. Ellie […]
Bats, loons, and moose stories at camp
Great wildlife video
Amazing encounters with wildlife
Throughout my life I have had amazing encounters with wildlife, and today I’m going to start sharing some of those stories with you. Today I’ll start with encounters with an ermine and a skunk. I was deer hunting on my woodlot and sitting on the ground with my back up against a Hemlock tree, when […]
Two favorite Alaska fishing stories
Forced to Fish Kodiak Island’s Karluc River for Five Extra Days Kodiac Island, Alaska, is a sportsman’s dream. Years ago, when I got stranded there for five days at the mouth of the Karluc River earlier, some people didn’t believe me. Stranded in Alaska? Right! Traveling with Les Priest of Readfield, who organized […]
Cheryl Blaydon’s novel is a very real story
When I picked up Cheryl Blaydon’s novel, Dancing at the Colony, published by North Country Press, and discovered it was all about a wedding, I wasn’t sure I would like it. But I did, and here’s why. Cheryl’s characters are very real, both good and bad, and their stories quickly interested me, including the deep […]